knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1

Weaving at last

Today's the day I finally got to weave on a loom. We're using Harris table looms at the moment, which are solid beasts and can occasionally fight back.
I'm trying to go outside my comfort zone and been using shiny acrylic yarns as well as cellophane and chenille. It's all coming along really well and I'm starting to think how the designs are going to come out.
This morning we visited the colleges textile archive which houses samples going back to the mid 19th century. The curator had some samples and books for us to look through and it was amazing to see patterns from the early twentieth century that looked bright, vibrant and modern.
We also had our first lecture on context of art and design and I think that this is going to be an interesting part of the course as I live history and how society has changed over time.
A quiet night tonight with maybe a bit of work before more weaving tomorrow.

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