A One-Off

A friend sent me a flyer for a daffodil photography competition at the National Portrait Gallery.  I laughed when I got it because I have never really ever managed to get a good shot of a daffodil.  While I have no intention of entering this competition, it did challenge me to try to get some decent daffodil shots.   So off I went to Brookside Gardens where thousands of daffodils are in bloom.  I took hundreds of shots but not without a lot of aggravation. It was very windy.  It is impossible to isolate the blooms against a background that will set them off.  They are never exactly where you want them to be and there were lots of shadows.  In the end, the fact that I don’t really like the color yellow all that much was confirmed, so this may be the only shot of daffodils in color that I ever post.  There is another shot in B&W that I actually like better.  

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