
By Mindseye

Plant..............with bells on

Another indifferent nights sleep:-/
Keep on waking up for no apparent reason?!

Up and showered, breakfast, gathered up all my stuff to take with me to mums. Traffic was busy, almost got squished by a mad tanker driver changing lanes!!

Got to mums, she was not long up, in her "scruffs"! She said, oh is it Tuesday.....are we going out then? I said, no it's Wednesday and yes we are going out ;-) She changed her clothes......I did her hair, we were just about done when sis arrived ;-)

We had to pop into M&S to return something mum had bought, we had a quick look around, then went upstairs for some lunch. Then sis noticed one of her tyres looked a little flat, so we went to put some air in it....neither of us had ever done this before, it was like a carry on film, whilst we tried to figure out a) what her pressures should be and b) how to actually use the air pressure thingy mabob!!!
We got there in the end.....:-)

Then we went onto a garden centre, sis got a beautiful pale pink Camellia, she had a 50% off voucher so £45 became £22.50, bargain!! All I bought was some tomato feed and a packet of runner bean seeds :-) it was really cold whilst we looked around outside, so we treated ourselves to a cappuccino.....have to say none of us enjoyed it :-/

Back to mums....no groceries to put away today, so we went out into her backgarden and did a bit of cutting back, tidying up and generally sweeping! I took a few shots in her garden, not expecting this to be the,one I,blipped, but somehow I love the little bells on this Pieris, looking like little lanterns.

I cooked some Basa white fish for dinner, mum had mushy peas with hers. I didn't want much pre Step and Pilates so just had the fish.

Step class was the biggest attendance so far, all 20 step boxes were in use. Sweated bobbers!!!! Pilates was like sardines, 32 in class, not a single bit of floor space free.
Hope I'm ok in the morning and not too stiff :-)

Got back home at 9.15 this evening......great news on the cricket front.....sorry my Aussie friends ;-)

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