
By Mindseye

Boughing down

The rain on our bedroom window woke us both up early this morning.......we did drift off again but not for long.

Once up it was obviously not going to be a warm and pleasant day, but having been stuck indoors of late, we were keen to get out somewhere.

After a little bit of research we opted for a trip to Worthington Lakes, which is only a half hour drive for us, and somewhere we hadn't been before.

We took our thicker socks and walking shoes as it was bound to be a bit muddy underfoot after all this rain we've been having :-/

We timed our walk to perfection......the sun came out, it wasn't too muddy underfoot. We didn't see hardly another soul on the whole circuitous routes around both lakes. I'm guessing it's probably around 3 miles....only took us an hour, so,a bit shorter than we'd have liked, but very enjoyable. The light was quite good for,photography, ever changing, with clouds scudding across the sky.

I took a couple of dozen shots I suppose, but I decided on this one, as I think it does give you a feel for the changing light and I liked how this large tree had uprooted and toppled into the water.

After we changed our footwear, got back in the car and headed off to the supermarket to fill up on diesel, get some bread and milk, the heavens opened and it chucked it down........lucky or what ;-)

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