Blip meet

Up, determined to be out of the house and in the car by 8:30, achieved this and we managed to get off the drive by 8:45 after many aboretd attempts due to wee's not being done, teddies misplaced and muzzies left in the house.

Made it to th Cotswold wildflife park about two minutes after Babydays (another blipper) had arrived.

A wonderful day, saw loads of animals, lots of laughter, missed the rain as we were indoors. Saw the worst and best in people when the cafe stopped serving food as it had got too congested.

Left at 2:30, Wom was asleep even before we had made it to the main road. Munchie fell asleep not much after so both were pretty grumpy once home. Lucy came for tea which was lovely.

Did bath at normal time, but took till 8pm to get them both asleep. Nursery for them tomorrow.

Giraffe watching
Penguin watching
Secret tunnel exploring
Upon arrival
Cargo bet climbing
Icecream eating
Statue standing
Train riding

A massive thank you to Julie for not only sitting with four children during lunch whilst I was stuck in the food queue, but also looking after Munchie whilst I took Wom for aaply change. According to Munchie, she's had the best time ever

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