Life is for living

Today, I've attended the funeral of my aunt. She was 62. She died in her sleep, peacefully. She had battled MS for as long as I have known her, never letting her disability get in her way.

My god father, her ex wife (but on very good terms) read out the most beautiful eulogy I've ever heard. At times I didn't think he was going to make it. He did. To see him, the strong, courageous man I know him to be, so totally broken was heart breaking.

We went to the crematorium service. Hugs of love were shared. Hugs of memories were shared.

The wake offered opportunities to rekindle old friendships. I spoke to my cousin whom I hardly see, but stay in contact with on face book. I saw family friends I hadn't seen in years. I saw family.

Life is to be lived
Life it to be enjoyed

You can't say words to someone who isn't here.

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