Today's Special

By Connections

The Odd Couple

Taking a break from weeding this morning, I took a turn around our back wilderness garden and decided that it was time to blip this foxglove, which has been growing quite happily in the midst of an evergreen shrub. I like the differences in color, shape, and texture, and the pairing of two unlikely partners.

Phil and I have been getting ready for a visit from our grandchildren, Z and B, who will be spending four nights and three days with us this week. We're going to Seattle on the morning train tomorrow, enjoying the day with Z, B, and their mother, E (Phil's daughter), then bringing Z and B back on the evening train with us -- their first train ride!

Wednesday is dedicated to visiting some of their favorite Bellingham places, including the midweek farmers market in Fairhaven and Mallard Ice Cream. On Thursday and Friday, we'll be busy at "Grandparents U" at Western Washington University, a 10-minute drive from our home. Phil and B are taking a geology course, Earthquakes and Volcanoes of the Pacific Northwest, which includes "making our own volcanoes in a scientific lab." Z and I are taking a visual arts course, with The Joy of Sculpture on Thursday and Inner Worlds: Telling Your Story Through Watercolor, Tracing, and Collage on Friday.

Back blips are highly likely, and apologies in advance for what is likely to be a "commentless" week from me -- I know you'll understand!

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