
One of these days I am going to meet myself in the passing! Yesterday evening there I was waiting in the sodding rain for a hall to open so that the party of Spanish (nae Basques) that were arriving could have a venue to samply a ceilidh along with some Scottish one act plays.
The person in charge of the venue forgot all about the booking so we transfered it to the place where the Basques were staying. They themselves were over an hour and a half late in arriving!
finally got them settled & fed and got them straight into some good ceilidh dancing. Despite being teenagers they joined in with gusto. Then they had to sit through 40 mins through a series of one act plays, while interesting to us, may have sent them into slumber land as they had been travelling all day from Edinburg where they visited a closed Parliament!
Then it was back to the ceilidh dancing and they had a good old Basque sing song. Their language was quite hard to understand and it is quite diffirent to the Spanish I learned at school. Anhow despite all the brickbats that came our way, we gave them a good time.
Today I had to go to Oban for a meeting involving An Irish man, A Scotsman and an English man (not kidding) then I had a wee squint at the mahoosive 17 seater minibus I will be driving in a few weeks time! Last but by no means least I had to help the choir with their Gaelic songs so just got back at 10.45 so its been a long day! Picture a selection of Basques, 3 Craws theatre company (very good) & the Gaelic choir at practice.
Happy blipping all

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