Dig that!

Back home to a bit of peace and quiet after almost four hours on a ferry listening to car alarms going off! Why do drivers alarm their cars on a bloody boat? Who and how would you go about stealing a car off a ferry? Mind you I once found my wee mini in a totally diffirent place on a CalMac ferry years back. When I came down to get the car the crew had lifeted it and shoved it under the trailer of a large lorry so they could squeeze in just one more car!
Today has began quiet but I will soon have to go off to Oban to get my some of my band together to entertain some Basques that are stopping off for the night. Think they were being entertained by the Scottish Parly yesterday or today and now its our turn, don't suppose we can top Edinburg & its Parly but we can give it our best shot! Watch this space!
Happoy blipping

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