Do You See Ray on the Sea Ray?

If you see Ray on the Sea Ray at the end of the day...

-Do you think he looks like he wants to play?
-Do you think he looks like he wants to pray?
-Do you think he looks like he wants to take a foray into the bird flyway? you think that is not his forte?
-Do you like how the feathers of Ray seem to sway...or do you think the feathers are in disarray?
-Do you think Ray can stay this way until the Lord's Day? you think Ray can stay this way until May?
-If I would have only known that Ray was going to be so passe', I would have asked him to go out into the bay, and bring me back an osprey.

I was halfway to the shore when Lisa called me. "You need to get back here. I need you." Our neighbor had started bleeding from her leg, and blood was gushing out, and wouldn't stop. Lisa called an ambulance, and went with her to the hospital. Guess who was left for clean-up duty?

The carpet clean-up went well, but the Lazy-Girl chair might be totaled.

Keeping with the rhyming...
-The neighbors name...Faye
-And (last one...I promise), I worked so hard in the living room and hallway...that I am soon...going to have to hit the hay.

P.S. After a couple of stitches to close the small hole, Faye is fine, is home, and is resting before bedtime.

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