A Catch About to Go Down the Hatch

For sixteen minutes, I watched the bird...
hanging from the rope.
A dozen times he took the dive...
with ten yeps and two nopes.

A good percentage for the bird,
but not good for the fish.
A second later...it was down the throat,
with a squiggle and a swish.

My fun was ruined by another bird,
a pushy, forceful e-gret.
I guess he didn't want to play along...
to have a fishing du-et.

Such gracefulness, such dexterity, such color, such skill. Such fun to watch.

https://www.flickr.com/photos/124969130@N06/albums/72157664050065353 See a few other shots on my Flickr page. I was at the fish market when a boatload of grouper came in. There were a lot of people around the boat, so I stayed back. Another Nikon photographer (one of the guys mother?) got to board the boat, and shoot down into the loaded-with-fish hatches.

I'm SOOOO sore from building that sand castle yesterday...that even my eyelids hurt. Makes me wish I was 20, 30, 40, 50 young again. But, even as much as I hurt...I would like to build one more.

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