Easter Greetings from Simba

It started off quite pleasant and mild this morning, with lots of sunshine, but deteriorated by the afternoon.  Simba followed me down the garden to check on the hedgehog and I really thought she had died (see Extra), but she was just moving very slowly.  It's probably not warm enough for her yet.

I was pleased to see the mini daffs had managed to grow a little bit more and were flowering just in time for Easter.

A quick visit to Perth this afternoon to buy some new towels to replace some that are at least 20 years old and will just not wear out!  I just fancied a slight change of colour and I'm delighted with the quality of them for the price.  Easily half the price of JL, M&S or Debenhams, so if you need new Luxury Egyptian Cotton towels, try Matalan:-)

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