
There's a bit by Eno in maybe his book or an interview with him that I've read where he talks about how we will accept - indeed, actively seek out - imperfections once they become a choice rather than an imposition.

The example he gives is the recording of guitar sound: once we'd achieved a 'perfect', clean guitar sound, we went back to artificially recreate the distortion that once we'd attempted to eradicate. And by we, I mean loads of really clever studio engineers, a group that doesn't actually include me :-)

As we've moved on with music, people have gone back to vinyl (although, I notice, not tape) (yet: I'm watching you, hipsters), and as matters have progressed digitally with photography, so people have re-visited film. I've not been tempted myself, I must say, but for my birthday my older daughters bought me a Fujifilm Instax. 

Much like a Polaroid, your pictures are printed by the camera and, actually, it is surprisingly satisfying and somehow different. Here are some from the weekend and one that Dan took of me, this evening.

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