A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Ignorance is bliss

Madame pup didn't know she was meant to be somewhere else today so she was perfectly happy with her perfectly ordinary day. Well a few more of us about a bit more than normal but that's all.

For the rest of us a fairly early realisation that we were not going to be where we were supposed to be going today. And dealing with all the accompanying disappointment. So no weekend away for us. But the right decision made for looking after the boy who simply wasn't up to the travel. Of course once teleporting is sorted none of this will be a problem. A few replacement plans made and we are setting in to enjoy the weird but potentially lovely feeling of three Saturdays and a Sunday. Today's fun included a lunchtime game of Exploding Kittens and a late afternoon game of Cluedo. Followed, not surprisingly perhaps, by the Hound of the Baskervilles Sherlock episode. And in the middle of all that Anna and I went to IKEA for the last piece of furniture for her room and of course some random items which included a zebra/barcode cushion and a cuddly golden retriever. I indulged in a couple of cushion covers to launch my redecorating the living room by stealth operation. And yet more House of Cards.

Thank you for all the kindness yesterday. It's good to have this outlet and the support is very much appreciated.

Vive Le blip.

Lesley x

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