Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH


We had planned a walk today; not a long one, just a couple of miles along Blakey Ridge to the Lion Inn for lunch and then a couple of miles back to the car. However, the weather was a bit miserable at the cottage; foggy and drizzly and we thought it was likely to be much worse up at the ridge, bearing in mind it is over 400 metres above sea level and at the highest and most exposed part of the moor. So instead we went to Nunnington Hall, a National Trust house, where I spotted this peacock outside the front door. I also spotted a chaffinch having a fight with himself in each of the wing mirrors of my car in turn but couldn't get a decent shot of him.

On the way back to the cottage we drove past the Lion Inn and our suspicions were proved right; definitely not pleasant walking weather!

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