Red Flash

By RedFlash

Straight out of the Camera

I normally tweek my photos a bit, crop them and alter the colour balance. I liked this one just as nature intended.

Its a Helianthemum or often known as a rock rose.

modern Latin, from Greek h?lios 'sun' + anthemon 'flower' (because the flowers open in sunlight)

They've not opened much recently. You can tell from the blip what the weather is doing.

Go large to see the droplets.

The thing that made me smile: I spent most of the day curled up on the sofa with Milo asleep. I've been sleeping off a migraine.

Exercise: Don't suppose that sleeping counts!

PS Photo taken in bare feet and my dressing gown as I only got dressed late in the day

PPS Thank you for all of your kind words. You really are a nice bunch of people

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