Came home about 5.45 & saw the two black dogs in the garden, usually Abbie dog jumps the fence to greet me but no sign of her. I go in and ask hubby where's Abbie, outside he says , she's not! So needless to say panic set in and I jumped in the car to drive about looking for her while hubster went up the lane. I came back , no sign of herself!! God what if someone has stolen her I thought, all sorts of unpleasant things going through my mind, then I met the neighbours from across the road & I asked them had they seen her , they said no but someone's had and put it up on our local community Facebook page that a dog matching Abbie was found. It happened to be the folks in the big  house across the road. I went up and collected the forlorn looking Abbie dog and thanked them and thanked all the Facebook people for responding to her alert . She said she found her in the middle of the road at 5.15 and when she went to speak to her, she jumped into her car! How many times have I told that dog not to talk to strangers! Anyhow thankfully she is home & suitably chastised! 
Tomorrow there will be added height going on the gate!
Shows too how good Facebook can be used correctly, so Im not going to knock social media .

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