Bathing Gulls

Every night...about sunset...the seagulls gather to bathe. It's like King David watching Bathsheba from the rooftop...without the lust and murder. I wonder if they think I'm a creeper for watching and snapping photos.

Their act kind of resembles the ducks and geese. It's bob-bob-bob down into the water, then up, up, up, with the wings. I love the wing span. It looks so refreshing that I might try it the next time I hit the water.

I spent way too much time in my bedroom today watching the Detroit Tigers, and 2 separate golf shows. The Champions Tour (old guys) U.S. Open was about 40 miles from my house. Should have got tickets, but didn't. Throw in the Tour de France, and it was a great sports weekend.

On my flickr page...I put 5 more pictures of the gulls, plus a single shot of 2 horses.

Hope everyone has a great week.

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