michigan man

By outdoorguy

Small Town Rodeo

A late night blip. I just got back from the rodeo. So many interesting pictures...but I can only pick one.

I made a late afternoon call to my dad. "Hey...buckaroo...would you like to go to the rodeo in Gaines?" He answered..."Sure, pardner...let's mosey on over there." We both made a quick search for our cowboy hats...then remembered that neither of us have one. No boots with spit stains on them either. We settled for tennies and ball caps, but still mosied.

Gaines, Michigan is not a one horse town. But...it is a one traffic light town. The light might even be a blinking light. Small town. A tiny grocery store, the Gaines Bar, and a corner unit owned or rented by a motorcycle club from Detroit. The weekend are busy and noisy. VROOM...VROOM.

Many rodeo choices. The barrel races were fast and furious. But...which female to pick? The 5 year old on the white horse was irresitible. The two 8 year olds were sensational. The "lady-in-red" cut too close, and knocked over a barrel. (5 point penalty.) The lady in green was intense, and her face showed it. The pretty blond rounded the barrel while hanging on to her hat. ("C'mon Sunshine...let the hat flyyyy.) I couldn't choose.

I settled on this one because I liked the look of a small guy on a massive animal. I also liked the way the other cowboys are so intent on watching the battle. They give those guys respect just for trying to ride the beast.

The fenced enclosure was very temporary. My dad and I were leaning on the fence for the closest shots. One big Brahma bull headed our way after dumping his rider, and slammed those horns into the fence. We did not mosey away. We turned and ran like schoolgirls. I know it didn't look like it...but if that big fellow would have got loose into the crowd...I was ready to take him by the horns, and wrangle him down to the ground.

The action inside of the ring was not the best rodeoing we had ever seen. Not one cowboy stayed on the bucking broncos. Not one cowboy stayed on a bull. Their roping skills were less than exemplary. I tired of the announcer saying..."Let's give them a big hand for trying." The rodeo clown was the worst ever. One of his "jokes" lasted 12 minutes...and the punchline matched what was coming out of the rear end of the horses. Awful.

But...a great night in a small town for a small-town rodeo. Good fun. 9 dollars well spent. Next year...cowboy boots and a fancy cowboy hat. Probably not a 10 gallon hat...maybe a 6 or a 7 gallon. I might even try some chew. (NOT.)

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