Wherever next?

By aime

Ta Promh Temple

We were standing in front of Angkor Wat Temple by 5.15am. Sadly it was raining and the clouds covered the rising sun but the changing colours were beautiful as the dawn progressed. Back to the hotel for a leisurely breakfast and later pickup for another trip to the Temple complex. 

All the temples are different and not all are restored. We visited perhaps the most interesting temple last - Ta Promh aka The Lara Croft Temple. Most of it is still standing but the trees that have grown through it have not all been cleared. Huge Balsa Mahogany and Teak trees remain draped over and through the walls giving a weirdly organic feel to the place. It was a great way to finish our tour and we wished we had stopped there. Unfortunately, we agreed to go to a cultural event in the evening and were a bit disappointed. A huge hall, an unappetising, if not small, buffet, a quaint display of country dancing, and the main event, Apsara dancers strutting their stuff. It turned the heads of the Temple builders and they covered their walls in carvings of them, but Dave and I were not so easily impressed. We won’t be using them to adorn any temples that we might build in future. Just saying.

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