Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

In there somewhere

I went in to Ls room in the small hours to check all was ok during her first night with a duvet. I shouldn't have made the special trip as she was awake and confused at 3am. Think she'd got a bit lost under the duvet and couldn't find her way out!

J did us a cooked breakfast this morning and then went to check out a potential fishing lake with Rob. Meanwhile, I tried as failed to organise the house a little and ended up just ranting at the kids. M got sent to he room but E kindly ended up helping out by taking her bits upstairs and putting things away. I can't really blame them for their mess as we've all let things slip while preparing for the wedding and then the holiday.

My dad and mo came over with M & L's birthday presents. Some nice clothes for them. For some reason Mo always buys clothes in random sizes. Basically, if she likes the look of it and they only have it in one size, she'll buy it anyway. Thank goodness kiddies grow into things haha!

Curry for dinner and a fairly lame run this evening.

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