Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Little L is Two

Just put L to bed with her new peppa pig duvet & pillow set. If she survives the excitement of this, we may take the bars off her cot tomorrow and convert it into a bed. If she doesnt survive this excitement we will be re-attaching the cot bars on monday!

What a lovely day. L woke up late as a rare treat but was all full of smiles for her birthday. She was very good at unwrapping presents too

Despite the rain, our winter coats & wellies, we headed off to the farm and had a fun family day.

J was going out this evening, so being the crazy daredevils we are, we decided to have birthday cake before dinner so he didnt miss out. The cake was a bit yucky to be honest. Im not sure how harribo and cake ever ended up being a birthday cake combination but L was impressed...and I still managed 3 slices.

The big girls have suddenly discovered the new Doctor Who series this week. I series linked it a while back so theyve got a lot to plough through. It was very peaceful having put L to bed while the girls helped tidy some of the birthday chaos so we could sit down and watch an episode in our pyjamas together.

My girlies are growing up

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