A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Twixt the Aire and the Worth

A dull morning walk today, no sunrise or interesting light and even the ducks at the feeding station on Coppice Pond lacked interest in the food, they must have their minds on other things! So no blip.

I had to pop over the hill to Keighley and on my way back I took this alternative route home past the Guide Inn above the Worth Valley. I wasn't sure whether I was going to stop but realised my phone was ringing. It was the hair dresser cancelling my appointment!

As I had stopped I decided to walk up this bridle way which leads on to the familiar Harden Moor but is a route I haven't taken before. As you can see by mid morning it was a lovely sunny day. The building central to the shot is The Guide Inn with Haworth Moor beyond.

The sun has continued all day so I have used my unexpected spare time to do some gardening, just need 'im indoors to mow the lawn now!

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