Roll With It

By Falmike

The Sun Shone

Sea Sunday
In pleasant, warm sunshine the Parade formed up on the Moor at 3.20 pm today and marched to the Church , King Charles The Martyr, for the Service at 4.00 pm. The Parade was led by the Volunteer Band, HMS Seahawk (RNAS Culdrose).
Following the Church Service the Parade re-formed and marched to the National Maritime Museum in Events Square, where a reception was held for participants and invited guests. On route the salute was taken by the Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall and the Mayor. Prior to the reception the Band played sunset in Events Square.
Sea Sunday is organised on behalf of the Mayor of Falmouth by the Royal Naval Association, Falmouth Branch and is one of the highlights of the civic year. It is well attended by both veterans and civic dignitaries and as Chairman of the Royal Naval Association, Falmouth Branch I am compelled to attend, circulate and network.
Tomorrow its back to the grindstone

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