Seaham, Sketching, Sun

That was yesterday.
Today - Durham, drudgery and drizzle.
Still - can't have it all ways I s'pose.
Stroke of luck up in Stromness, Mainland Orkney though.
Been pestering the local fishermen here at home for sea charts to do with Seaham's coast but they tell me they all use digital technology now and have GPS fitted. :-(
Imagine my amazement while at the Stromness Museum when I came across an old sea chart the size of a bay window showing the coast from Flamborough Head to Newcastle!!!
Of course the Seaham bit was teeny weeny - or 'peedie' as they say up there, BUT there was an enlarged section showing Seaham!!!!!!
Serendipity or what :-)
I managed to photograph it and there's enough detail for what I need.
More later.

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