Sucking Eggs

Teaching your granny, or grandpa for that matter, how to suck eggs is definitely a hazardous activity.

Against all advice, but knowing that neither of us is computer literate, His Lordship engaged someone still wet behind the ears, to come at a price and change our wireless password and Router name to make us safer from scammers. You've guessed it, we had been watching too much scary television about computer hackers.

The result is we are arguably that little bit safer from any computer savvy person with the correct software gaining access to our computers........ BUT, in the course of looking at HL's computer and apparently tidying up by binning various things, the young guru has managed to foul up any access to In Design, a programme which His Lordship uses on a daily basis and contains all the information for his many ongoing projects.

After several phone calls to the other partner in the firm, we still have not managed to speak to the man responsible for the disaster, who seems to have gone to ground.

To say that His Lordship is not happy, is the understatement of the year. I am learning some new vocabulary while we await some resolution.

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