Celebratory Fireworks

We had a final visit to Amy's new school today - she starts in four weeks time, after Easter.  And what a lovely place it is, specialising in teaching of children on the Autistic Spectrum the teaching staff all 'get it.'  Amy cannot wait to start which is music to our ears.  She has been out of education for eighteen months while we have ground our way through the system.  Some great people have helped us along the way but in this age of cuts to services everything takes much, much longer than it should.  But hey!  We're nearly there ..... well half way there as Ruth's EHCP (Education and Health Care Plan) is as yet unresolved.  Watch this space.

It's been a perfect Spring day again, lots of colourful flowers might have featured but for Mono Monday I settled on this Dandelion clock, marking time on Amy's return to school.

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