The Reluctant Walker vs The Power Walker !

The weather was glorious today so mam and I dragged (literally) li'l sis' out for a 3 mile stroll. She was not impressed! Although, she'd been for her swimming lesson this morning and looked like she'd been dragged through a hedge backwards! She'd better get used to the exercise though as it's going to become a Sunday ritual,according to our mammy.
I took a few snaps on our travels but The Mother was so determined that we walked quickly that I didn't have a lot of time to focus- literally! She's on a bit of a health kick at the moment. However, li'l sis' and I laughed so hard at her powerwalk, she decided to stick to a more sensible pace.
I'm really surprised any of us managed to walk after the giant roast she'd cooked. 
School work pretty much all prepped for next week after an early start this morning- I'm feeling very motivated at the moment. 
Maybe it's the joy of not having to go to university sessions tomorrow!
Although my journey companion is still the same!

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