High Spring tide starts to ebb, at Munlochy Bay.

Took this digital photo to compare it with a similar film photo. Tri-X 120 black & white film was in the ancient Zeiss Ikon camera... which hasn't been used for while. Also took another medium format film shot, with a Bronica SQ-Ai. Spool of colour film in that, for a change.

It'll be a long while before either of the film versions appear - hopefully on the other journal.

Warmest day of the year so far. There was even a warm breeze this afternoon. It soon dried the washing, which was the first lot hung outside this year. Not so good, was find the first tick of the year, as it was hurtling up my trouser leg. Will have a quick check on... er, other bits later.

I need a new pair of wellies...

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