Waiting For A Tram

The city centre was full of sports fans today. Earlier, on my way to Socrates Cafe at the Filmhouse I saw plenty of Hibs supporters waiting on the streets for their supporters' coaches or heading to Waverley to catch a train through to Glasgow for the League Cup final at Hamden. Memories of going through with L to see United in the Scottish Cup Final in 2014 but also of going to see Hibs play Aberdeen in 1985 when I won a couple of tickets in a competition. Neither trip was particularly successful so I hope my Hibee friends have a better day! After Soc Cafe - where we discussed whether robots will make life better and if Thursday night's Question Time from Dundee (apparently) was evidence of BBC conspiracy or incompetence or that the Scottish political landscape is not quite as pro-SNP as it appears or simply the outer edges of random coincidence - I crossed a city full of rugby fans heading for the Scotland - France match at Murrayfield. More memories of blips past and another burst of selective colour. It's been quite a while since I was at a rugby international at Murrayfield - I used to go quite regularly when I first lived in Edinburgh, back in the days of the terraces at either end of the ground and the old main stand. It's a very different stadium these days. As I write Scotland are still winning the rugby (but as usual with sport, it's the hope that gets you...) and the Hibees are on level terms, having equalised on the stroke of half-time. Two very different sorts of evenings in Edinburgh tonight depending on the next fifteen minutes...  

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