twinned with trumpton


An early start; alarm went off at 5.30.

An hour of heating soup, making sandwiches, packing water, food, shoes, trousers, socks and then we picked up Baz at the Balmoral and headed off to the Tay Bridge. To meet 6 others for Fife Coastal Path action.
Slightly later than billed we set off from St Andrews around 0830 and plodded the 4.5 miles to Guardbridge alongside the busy main drag into town. Still, the sun was trying hard to break through, so a decent start to it all.
Then at Leuchars me and her steadily pulled away from the rest; not intentionally; just the natural pace and rhythm we work at... So on we went, deep into the pine forests of Tentsmuir, stumbling across the ice house, a hide, a hieland coo sculpture etc. Lots of dunes, sand, trees, birdsong.
We stopped at lunch just before we emerged from the wood at Tayport Heath; a cup and a half of chunky hot lentil soup.

And onwards to the car at the bridge - 17 miles in 5 and half hours.

We called the rest and they were a good hour or more behind, so we sped off home; dropped her around 4 before swinging past Lidl for a couple of beers and in, bath, dinner (poached eggs on toast; perfect light supper after a fun day out.

And a relaxing evening posting the photos of the day. Chatting with her. Drinking the cold beers.

A hide and trees at Tentsmuir Nature Reserve.

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