The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

I wish I could have spent all day curled in a ball

The fencers were meant to come last Saturday, but postponed as snow was forecast. In the event it was quite a nice day with very little snow.

So they were meant to come today instead. It was pouring down and I was afraid they might postpone again - we need a home check before I collect Maisie on Sunday, so we have little time to get it done.

However they turned up. All started well. Nice blokes. A ring on the doorbell - he'd gone through a pipe with his hammer drill. His boss said I was to call Yorkshire Water. I said as it wasn't a main and it was in our garden it really had nothing to do with them. I spent an hour trying to track down a plumber. Door bell. Fencers saying *they'd* get a plumber - well yes, I should bloody think so.

In fact the fencer capped off the redundant pipe himself and it seems fine.

Fence panels up, gate requirements discussed - and off they went to their base to make the required gates.

All this was happening against a background of me running about like a blue arsed fly, trying to practise, get dog accessories, continue cleaning the grimy kitchen and rearranging everything in readiness for the flooring going down next week (I forgot to do the easiest task of nipping down the road to pick a vinyl covering!)

The fencers returned and finished the job while I was out.

Here's the email I sent to their boss  when I got home ..

Hello Bob
It was good of your men to turn out in the rain today.
Most of the work is very good. However the gate leading into the garden is terrible. 
We discussed that the job would look neater if the gates were level with the top of the fence. Not only is it considerably lower, but there is also a large (four and a half inch) gap at the bottom. Considering we’d previously discussed a smaller gap which I’d asked to be filled, I find it odd they’d think that was ok. 
This fence is to keep a small dog safely enclosed.
The gate is also a good inch wider at the bottom than the top. There are also a couple of gaps in the middle of it.
The hole which was left for the padlock on chain on the ‘exterior’ gate is in the wrong place and the chain doesn’t reach - for now I’ve had to string together an extra padlock in order to secure the gate - the chain links are welded so I can’t just add a longer chain.
Finally - it would be good if we could discuss the final colour - the colour on the gates (which has largely washed off in the torrential rain) .. is a pretty awful colour.
If you could call me on xxxxxxxxxx asap, I’d be grateful - the home checker for the puppy adoption is coming Thursday evening at 6 and I don’t think she’ll pass that gap.

Edit and update

I just rang the fencing boss - all is in hand ..
He's sending the workshop manager to lower the gate for the time being, just to get me through the home check, then will remake one, if not both gates .. Hoorah!

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