We took a glorious morning walk round the estate of Newhailes, a C17 Palladian mansion near Musselburgh. (More detailed history on this site ).I remembered the extensive grounds from buggying the Flumlet round while Mr Flum enjoyed his Segway Experience. Now in the care of the National Trust for Scotland, the grounds are open to visitors and very popular with dog-walkers (we were possibly the only visitors without one). We took the path to the far (North) end, then round the perimeter and back past the rear of the building. The sundial - apparently correct - is situated above the library door, which leads directly onto a clearing where, in past times, discussion and conversation would take place. We returned through the woodland, where the snowdrops make a pleasant show.
A particular point of interest was a notice regarding the finding of any raw meat on the estate; if any is found not to touch it but report it to the office, as it may contain poison. This is not so far from the location that we found the dead buzzard a week ago and I now wonder whether it might have been poisoned. I hope the RSPB/wildlife crime police were able to check the carcass.
While visiting the Royal Infirmary later I managed to snap a helicopter coming in to land on the helipad - see the extra photo.
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