The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Chain reaction ...

Whoever knew what a lot of work a tiny puppy could cause!

This house (mum's house) has been very badly maintained, and it's hard to know how much money to throw at it - once my mum is no more it will be sold and probably demolished for development.

It's a lovely old Edwardian house, but needs far too much money spending on it - and the neighbour is about to build houses in his large back garden so has set a bit of a precedent for such horrid developments.

I was thinking about my potential puppy, Maisie (her name has to change - Autumn doesn't appeal to me at all) Although we have a big house, it's so full of stuff I couldn't really think where to put a crate for her to use as a quiet retreat when she wants to get away on her own.

Then I had a brainwave - the kitchen is awful. Dad installed an ugly monstrosity of a lump of nasty cheap veneered chipboard, posing as a 'kitchen island'. It's horrid, entirely in the wrong place and ate up a vast amount of kitchen floor space - so I could get rid of it, replace it with a table and put the crate under there.

But the ancient old carpet is vile and filthy. Initially I thought I could remove it and reveal the existing tiles - but they're ancient lino tiles which are no longer adhering to the floor because of a series of washing machine floods over the years!

So - we need new floor covering. And I need to find homes for all the tat that was in the 'island' unit. So I need to clear out the disgusting cupboards under the window to make space. And clean it - in and out.

I have removed the island, and booked someone to quote for the new floor ..  and may or may not ignore the rest of it until tomorrow.

Unexpectedly friends who have a dog, Bailey, popped in to lend me some doggy books and talk dogs with me.

I was wondering how much of the dog situation had sunk in with mum. All of it, I would say! She kept asking me if Bailey was our adopted dog, and talked to him a lot, so I think there's no doubt she's happy with the idea of a dog living with us (she already told me we had to be careful it didn't eat the wrong things)

I managed to get out for an hour - and saw three hunting barn owls - this is one of them, taking a break.

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