Teal Male - Anas crecca

Beautiful sunny day  -  opened all the windows to let the fresh air circulate throughout the house. Cold, of course, but it was so nice to welcome all that sunshine in. Went down to the Nature Reserve Visitors' Centre to collect some bird feed, and stayed around to watch the birds. There were a couple of teal far out  -  I've never blipped one before so he is my blip for the day. The European teal is the smallest duck on the wildfowler's list but the male in full breeding plumage makes up for his small size by his striking good looks. I didn't see any flirting going on today though  -  the Mallards, however, were quite the opposite. I watched a couple (see one of my extras) for quite a while and they were really amusing. They were pretending not to notice each other, but when the indifference became too much for the other to bear, then he or she would make a slight move towards the other  -  and so their game went on. The distant hills (see other extra) are still covered in snow. Have a nice evening, Everyone:)

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