Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Arnside freedom!!

Happiness and freedom - yes please! I was able to get away from the antics of the hen weekend by 10:15am...not bad at all, although I say so myself :-P 

Saturday has never seemed so long, yet the weekend so short to think it is now Sunday evening. It was pleasant to see a few faces, but then in other instances I found myself either out on a limb (cards against humanity, Harry Potter trivia pursuit are not really something I can particularly join in with, try as I did!) or just not quite on their wave length (university talk, lectures and so on)...but I went, I was me, and it is done! :-) I was surprised by the people who I enjoyed the company of, mainly as 1 of them I had hardly spoken to before....but that is the beauty of it I guess :-) 

After my bid for freedom, I took a long stroll around Arnside - it wasn't the Arnside I remember from my Geography field trip days. Absolutely lovely, so calm and just epitomised my feeling of freedom :-) 

Today is Mother's Day, and every year I remember how my Mum has truly shown me the meaning of the phrase unconditional love and I know I wouldn't be me, without her. 

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