Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc

Friday tends to be my day, to do stuff that I like, or at least that's how I try to approach the day.  Gardening, well, weeding took over the second half of the day.  With all this rain and mild temperatures things have sprouted like crazy.  Weeds, poppies, spurge, I spent hours pulling them up.  My back is unimpressed but once I get started on a project I find it difficult to stop.  I left some of the poppies in the areas where we don't walk because bees and butterflies like them but wow, they had done an outstanding job of seeding themselves since last year!  Our gravel pathway was literally a carpet of poppy sprouts.

As we know, I don't do flower photography but as I was in the garden and the daffodils were right there...  I took some in color but the structure of the flower is more visible and interesting (to me) in the b&w ones.

New season of House of Cards, will try to limit ourselves to just two episodes a night.  Hope it's more cohesive than the last season.

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