Julie & Glyn

...will catch up later..

a busy day today - 1st thing I was out to get a few forgotten bits of shopping...then the shopping arrived ! Everything put away we had lunch & then went to B & Q to pick up some paint & filler. Left here & went to Balloon Mania from where I had ordered a Helium balloon with Happy 80th Birthday Mum written on it. Home then For an hour on the sofa. Soon after N arrived & I took her to see her physio...on the way back I picked up R from the bus before we returned home.

Then it was a mad dash to get ready to go out. We left at 1830 & drove to The White Hart in Preston Bissett. The others were already there:
Mum, Suzanne (my sister) Tara (my niece) Julie (my cousin) & Glyn (Julie's partner) They had travelled down from Nottinghamshire to be there. We had a great meal here sitting down at 1930 & not leaving til after 2230. Back then to Mum's for cake & champagne with sis had brought from France (home) with her.

We sat talking drinking & eating before we eventually got home at 0130. In bed by 0200....

A bit of a tiring day but Mum enjoyed herself immensely.

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