
This morning we flashed the bus passes and took ourselves off to Stirling for a wander and a wee bit shopping then, after lunch, we headed for Doune (Where they used to make the famous scottish pistols) It must be about 20 years since we visited Doune Ponds, a wild-life reserve, and found things a bit changed. However, we had a very pleasant stroll around and tried to make friends with the ducks and swans. The male swan took an instant dislike to Rona and gave her a full on, big time serious hissing. Rona totally ignored him which was probably as well. The ducks just swam around and I tried to get a good close-up of the irridescent feathers on this ones head. Not the best, I know, but they just wouldn't hold still!
It is Friday once again; why do Fridays seem to come around much quicker when you are retired?
Do have a great weekend, everyone.

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