Dancing Trees

Firstly, thank you so much for putting my  Early Morning Rays blip in Number One position on Page One!!! I am totally thrilled and can hardly believe it :)) Thank you, too for all the great comments, stars and hearts for yesterday's blip..... :) 

A great family day today, starting with a lovely walk by the river with my youngest son who was just home for the day. A few photos taken but the light wasn't great and it was nice just to walk together :) A few more photos snatched during the day but nothing that I was particularly pleased with when I looked through them. I did, however, like this tree....it looked to me like it was dancing..... :))

I admit it - this image bears little resemblance to the original - I have employed a good deal of creative license! (otherwise known as 'fartnarkling'! :)) I've included the original, dull image with a dodgy  horizon, as an extra......

Hope you're all having a great weekend!


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