Whisky tour


This is Ian, one of our tour guides giving a tour to some of our guests last night.

It was a strange day, as we couldn't work in the morning due to a scheduled power cut in order to do some repairs. However, we were hosting a Food from Fife networking event in the evening after the power was back on.

After a few electrical hiccups due to the power cut, we finally managed to run the event. Luckily, our distillery manager run to the distillery on time in order to fix the issues. After that, the event run smoothly.

I was given photographer's duties (feel the presure....). Then I realised I was the only one with a camera in sight in the whole event (feel the pressure even more...) Anyway, let's hope anything good came out from that photography session.

Had to leave a bit earlier because I was not feeling well. This is why I'm blipping this today.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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