Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Back to Laguna

This morning shortly after 9:00, the two of us headed toward the coast to get my car back from the mechanic. We had received the call Tuesday that the transmission job was just about complete. When schedules did not align yesterday to get there, we knew that we'd be going this morning. It was two weeks ago today that we had the car towed there while we were having a couple of leisure days at the beach and the transmission froze.

So we stopped this morning at Hotel Laguna for a late breakfast and a photo opportunity, and then to South Laguna to the mechanic garage, which is actually in the oldest gas station in Laguna, but is no longer used as a gas station, just a mechanic shop.

Once we had the car in our possession, we drove some streets to make sure that everything seemed to be functioning well and then I followed Mr. Fun to the Enterprise Rent a Car place to dropoff the car we had rented so we could go to Laguna together and come home together. Sounds ridiculous, but we like being together.

When we arrived back at the Inland Empire the thick overcast sky had not cleared. We were having a "Midwest" kind of day in southern California. It was muggy and quite warm and late afternoon I sat on the patio and watched as the pooches looked at the rain making drop spots in the pool. I think the combo of the weather and the construction going on in our backyard has the dogs a bit confused.

We no longer have huge holes in the dirt; concrete was poured and very tall poles installed this morning as we were leaving for the coastline. We will soon have a very nice patio cover and we're talking with a landscaper tomorrow morning about the best design for that part of the yard. We are mostly looking for extremely low maintenance and dog friendly ground cover, so the future will reveal what is selected.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka

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