Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol


This past Sunday morning at church, we were invited to Joe & Sue's home for Tuesday evening dinner. So I worked in the Writing Center till 6:00 p.m. and then met Mr. Fun in a parking lot nearby so that I didn't have to drive home which is the opposite direction for Joe & Sue's place. I hopped in his car, drove a few blocks, and walked in to see the delicious meal that was waiting for all of us. Jonathan, Joe & Sue's adult grandson was home for dinner as well. Tim & Mollie, another couple of friends from church were invited guests too.

We had such a delightful evening. We not only dined together, we talked, laughed, told tall tales, and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. It was well after 10:00 when we exited. The time had just gotten away from us and I was a little embarrassed that we had stayed so late.

Sue served tossed garden salad, asparagus, grilled salmon, grilled chicken, and a delicious light dessert of strawberries and blueberries with a sweet thick cream dollop.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka

P.S. Tristan has been at Aunt Dede & Uncle John's home all day and is spending the night.

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