A Frustrating Experience
I was out early with Finlay this morning so we could get our walk done and I would be able to go off to see the Flying Scotsman as it neared the end of its journey back to York.
I arrived at Colton Junction just south of York and there were hundreds of cars and people there - it was chaos! I managed to park and got set up with my tripod for my shot.
I knew it was running late but I waited patiently in the cold and then things hotted up - the police helicopter arrived overhead, presumably to check that the line was clear after earlier incidents with trespassers on the line. Then the film helicopter appeared, a plume of smoke and a shrill whistle and just as the loco popped into frame a flippin' Virgin Intercity train appeared on the southbound line completely obscuring the Flying Scotsman from my camera. By the time the Virgin train had passed the Scotsman had passed and was disappearing under a bridge. I was not a happy bunny! Judging by news reports we weren't the only ones to have that happen today.
So instead I have blipped a shot of a couple of alpacas that have reappeared in their field after several months absence....there used to be three of them but I could only see two today.
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