Leaving Montevideo

Phew!  What a scorcher it was today!  We are currently in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and it was a blistering 97 degrees outside -- far, far too hot for the likes of me!

I am cheating with this entry.  I took this picture yesterday evening, as we steamed away from Montevideo, Uruguay.  The sky looked like a watercolour painting -- very beautiful.  If you look carefully, you can see a red puffy cloud down near the horizon.  Later in the evening, as we sat out on the stern having dinner, we were treated to a spectacular lightning storm far enough away to be beautiful, but not scary.  I was joined at the dinner table by a very pretty butterfly, who fluttered down and rested just to the right side of my plate.  His wings were a vivid orange on the top side, and a lovely shade of pistachio green on the underside.  He stayed there all through the meal, and just as we were ready to leave, he flew away.

Because it was so hot today, we decided to do nothing but stay on board, read our books, and play backgammon.

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