
By Cigs

Union Canal Towpath, Meggetland

Bloody EU rules. Now I wasn't into Brexit before this morning, but I might just have changed my mind. And no, the braying buffoon entering the fray did nothing to sway me.

Bureaucracy at its finest. So I reported back to the marketing team about having sourced a sniffer dog yesterday. They rubbed their hands with glee.

However, the legal team then stuck their oar in and said we needed to put out a tender document to ensure fair play.

So this morning I met Fi-fi to see how she coped with Cigs / aerosol tracking. To say it wasn't impressive would be an understatement. Reg (her owner) was not happy to be there; he'd missed his 10.00 tee off time and I think the bad vibes he was giving off may have distracted Fi-fi. 

By the time I'd taken this photo, Fi-fi had missed three Cigs tags. I mean I know it was cold, but really....? Rex / Wrecks it is, I reckon.

Black paint in white wall, dated 16; then covered up by the Canal Marketing Board (or whatever they're called this week - British Waterways?)

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