
By ChrisGroucutt

Moon (Part 2) - and mini Jupiter!

After saying a few days ago that I don't do follow up photos very often, here is another one. I don't think it's as successful as the one I took earlier (last month), lacking the drama of that image, but I wanted to get a full face moon as well, just to say I've done it, so here it is. (Actually I think it's already started to wane, so that's a little bit of a fail as well... but it's close enough for jazz, as we musicians say).

What was much more interesting and exciting to me is the extra that I've put up. Last night Jupiter was extremely bright and clear, and I thought I'd have a shot at it. And lo and behold, although extremely small and fuzzy, it was actually quite recognisable with the famous stripes being visible, AND a couple of its moons. Hugely cropped of course, but still had me running around the room in the middle of the night screaming "I've just taken a picture of Jupiter".

Little things. 

(Actually little things that are in fact extremely large things that over vast distances appear to be little things).


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