Water 5 - Sunshine after the rain

Ok, this may be a bit of cheating but... what are clouds made of mostly? Water! Exactly! :)

Look, we haven't seen the sky or the sun for a few weeks now, and this moment in history had to be somehow recorded, so I hope you forgive my cheekiness! Haha!

In any case, I didn't see anything interesting water related either on my way to work or on my way back from work, so this will have to do!

I started work an hour earlier today because I had my PDR, which I think stands for Personal Development Review. I was entitled to free coffe and cake for it, so that was good. The rest of the day was mostly quiet with a couple of busy spells. Feeling a bit tired now and having a quiet evening at home.

Can't wait to my weekend off!!! :)

Thanks very much for all your nice comments, stars and hearts! They always cheer me up! I hope you all had a great day! :)

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