Nuts about nuts .....

...... These are real favourites but ----- sadly are for a gift.
Weather today has been mixed again, no sun but managed to get a walk in even tho' it was drizzling as we went out. Colder forecast for latter in the week!
Monday evening group is exploring John 13:1-17 , just think about the chapter and marry it up to daily lives! How many times do we have kindnesses done for us by a superior , I know many times I've been humbled by a person doing a little kindness ( sometimes just when I needed cheering up ) I shall always remember when my mum accompanied me to my 1st interview ( many moons ago!!! ) , we had to go into London then out again to Hertfordshire , the transport then meant we needed to get an underground train, I happily took the escalator down to the platform then realised my mum had been left behind, looking for her I saw a really old man taking my mums arm , helping her onto the escalator and holding her steady until they reached the bottom then stood in front of her until she was safely off! Act of kindness by an unknown person of failing health .
I try to do my best each day, but I really wonder , could I do more?

Happy .... to have my daughter and son in law back safely with no broken bones!!!

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