It's gym, life, but not as we know it.

Today has been all about the practicalities of a modern Druid life. None of your tree hugging, activism or poetry, today was the Annual General Meeting of The Druid Network. Yup, even Druids have AGMs...

For the past few years, we've chosen for the venue a rambling, slightly decrepit but utterly fabulous youth centre on the edge of the Lickey Hills in the west midlands. 

Our choice was driven by the knowledge the centre could close for lack of funding and use, but we keep coming back because of the friendliness of the building itself.

Originally a Victorian tea room, it became a boys club and nowadays is run by the Birmingham Federation of Clubs for Young People. Well, I guess I am young at heart.

This then is the gym, which we didn't make use of. Out of the window is the road to the pub, which we did. And if you're wondering, is he mad? Yes, for a given value of madness.

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